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Facebook support team: Test FB login

How Facebook support team can test Facebook integration on SwingIT sites


SwingIT is using service from Facebook for login. No other permissions or data is used.

How FB can test this?

FB support can test FB login on a SwingIT site as follows:

  1. Go to the home page of the site

  2. Click “Facebook login”

  3. Use any valid FB credentials

    • No need for dedicated FB test user. You can register with any FB account

  4. There are 2 cases now:

    1. User was already registered: FB can check the integration immediately

    2. User was not yet registered: The site will ask for registration

      • You can enter any dummy data.

      • For the telephone number, 0496000000 can be used.

      • If a National register number would be required, you can use 90020199704 (this is an example number)

  5. FB can check the integration

Link to the privacy policy of the school can be found here:

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